

Random EMbedding Bayesian Optimization (REMBO) tackles the problem of high dimensional input spaces with low effective dimensionality. It creates a random matrix to perform a random projection from a high dimensional space into a smaller embedded subspace (rembo-paper). If you want to use REMBO for you objective function you just have to derive from the REMBO task an call its __init__() function in the constructor:

class BraninInBillionDims(REMBO):
    def __init__(self):
        self.b = Branin()
        X_lower = np.concatenate((self.b.X_lower, np.zeros([999998])))
        X_upper = np.concatenate((self.b.X_upper, np.ones([999998])))
        super(BraninInBillionDims, self).__init__(X_lower, X_upper, d=2)

    def objective_function(self, x):
        return self.b.objective_function(x[:, :2])

Afterwards you can simply optimize your task such as any other task. It will then automatically perform Bayesian optimization in the lower embedded subspace to find a new configuration. To evaluate a configuration it will be transformed back to the original space.

task = BraninInBillionDims()
kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=task.n_dims)
model = GPyModel(kernel, optimize=True, noise_variance=1e-3, num_restarts=10)
acquisition_func = EI(model, task.X_lower, task.X_upper, compute_incumbent)
maximizer = CMAES(acquisition_func, task.X_lower, task.X_upper)
bo = BayesianOptimization(acquisition_fkt=acquisition_func,

Bayesian optimization with MCMC sampling of the GP’s hyperparameters

So far we optimized the GPy’s hyperparameter by maximizing the marginal loglikelihood. If you want to marginalise over hyperparameter you can use the GPyModelMCMC module:

kernel = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=branin.n_dims)
model = GPyModelMCMC(kernel, burnin=20, chain_length=100, n_hypers=10)

It used the HMC method implemented in GPy to sample the marginal loglikelihood. Afterwards you can simply plug it into your acquisition functions

acquisition_func = EI(model, X_upper=branin.X_upper, X_lower=branin.X_lower, compute_incumbent=compute_incumbent, par=0.1)

maximizer = Direct(acquisition_func, branin.X_lower, branin.X_upper)
bo = BayesianOptimization(acquisition_fkt=acquisition_func,

RoBO will then compute an marginalised acquistion value by computing the acquisition value based on each single GP and sum over all of them.